Monday, May 9, 2011


So, I've decided the cheapest (but really just more exciting) way to get all my stuff, including my two adorable cavalier king charles pups across the country would be to just shove stuff in my car and drive there.  There are a few places that I'm dying to go, and I figure this is my chance to get to them.

My dad is just such a charm, and has volunteered his company to make the trip with me. Partly because he just cant get enough of me, but probably more so that he's dying to go to Austin and New Orleans and this already part of the trip.

First stop is Atlanta. My dad and I will meet the movers at my storage space on Saturday morning to load up the truck (but really just direct the movers on what to load up). We'll then scoop my Mom from the Atlanta airport as she will be doing the 1st and 2nd leg with us.

Next stop is Birmingham...kind of out of the way, but we couldn't resist the sweet melodious sounds of Zac Brown Band who will be in town for his tour that night. Looking forward to seeing some serious rednecks at a Birmingham country concert.

Final stop for my mom will be New Orleans. None of us have ever been, and from what I've heard there is no city in America with such a distinct culture. I am fortunate that one of my good friends was born an raised a NOLA native so I will be getting some fantastic Local advice from him on where to go. We're hoping to spend a full day in New Orleans, then my dad and I will drop off my mom at the airport and continue on West.

Austin will be our next destination, but we're stil working on what we want to do there and how much time we want to spend.

That's all thats planned for now. :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

UCLA Bound

So, I just got back from LA. I will be living with my friend Felicia who is doing her residency at UCLA, and Krista - one of Felicia's friends from college. We found an AWESOME apartment in Santa Monica and we're eagerly anticipating the move!

I start school in September but decided to head out early as there is a 200 hour yoga certification class that I will be taking. My goal is to start a yoga business post MBA, so it's probably smart to begin working towards that now.

This past trip was my first time ever in LA. I have never seen so many dressed up people in nice cars AT AN AIRPORT.  I understand the traffic sucks, but it took 45 minutes just to get around the airport circle...really LA? Clean it up.

I also find it weird that anytime you go anywhere people give you the once over to see if you are a celebrity or someone they should know.

I'm sure I will have more commentary on LA as soon as I get there!  21 days.

Weddings do make love :)

The story of meeting my boyfriend Eric still cracks me up. I decided I want to publish this all while I remember it...documenting my feelings as I remember them will definitely come in handy later on :)

My live in boyfriend and I broke up early May, we were still living in the same house while trying to find new places for ourselves...this situation is incredibly stressful no matter how you cut it so when my friend Joe invited me to a wedding last minute (his girlfriend had to go to a funeral) I jumped at the chance to see my friends from New York, but more importantly I needed a break from the tense housing situation.

I flew to New York, and scheduled a business lunch early in the day friday. Steve, Joe, Eric and Steves date all came and scooped me up and we began the journey to Jersey Shore for the wedding. Steve is my best friend from college, he had introduced me to Joe several years earlier when both Joe and I were living in Miami and we had remained friends ever since. I had never met Eric though, which was odd considering I knew all of Steves high school friends. We spent the ride laughing and joking and I was able to find out why Eric didn't have a date (long an complicated story and irrelevant. :)

Blah blah blah, I didnt get to spend nearly as much time getting to know Eric as I would have liked to because he was in the wedding and spent the entire day on Saturday doing groomsman things. I did however manage to make him a watered down iced coffee because the pre-made iced coffee had sugar already added and I knew that with his Diabetes that would NOT work.

Anyway...the night of the wedding I took it upon myself to hang around him as much as possible. I just thought he was incredibly positive (and not to mention SO adorable). So this picture is at the wedding...ironically, I think I got into a fight with someone over that hat he is wearing (they tried to steal it from him).

Anyway...blah blah blah...Eric was a complete gentleman and we exchanged numbers. He was moving from San Francisco (he just graduated from Berkeley business school) and was joining a start up in Boulder. I texted him on my way to the airport "I had a really good time with you this weekend, I hope you stay in touch". I just really like this guy and was sad to be leaving him.

Anyway...he stayed in touch :)... 1 trip to Tampa over July 4th, and 2 weeks later I went to Boulder and we decided to give this "distance relationship" a chance.

Below is a picture of us 1 month ago in Fort Lauderdale celebrating me quitting my job!

The Perfect Apartment post breakup

So, this is totally backwards because finding the perfect apartment is kind of irrelevant considering I dont live there anymore but it's important to recognize the importance of finding your own safe-haven.

There was a period of time where I called my apartment my zen zone. I got rid of ALL my stuff from the previous years of my life and started fresh. I designed my apartment in a unique and very different way than I ever thought I would. I went with white couches...which is hysterical considering my dogs believe the couches are for them, and decided to go with a trunk instead of a coffee table. I got an amazingly unique rug from Anthropologie and got awesome art recommendations from my friend Shelby who has an uncanny knack for interior design.

The location was in the heart of the Virginia Highlands, its too bad it was such a good location because I never took advantage of it. I spent countless hours studying for the GMAT, and when that was done the Business school application process had just began.

If any of you have applied to grad school, you understand me when saying "HOLY SHIT" it completely took over my life.

Anyway, my landlord was amazing about my giving him notice very early...he re-rented the place way sooner than I had anticipated and I had moved all my belongings into a 10 x 10 storage space. By Christmas I was homeless, still working, and hadn't been accepted to any schools.

Thank god for my friends Whitney and Greg who so graciously hosted me for the 3 months prior to being accepted to UCLA. I then quit my job, and drove down to my parents in Florida to stay with them until I moved to Los Angeles.


EEEK. It's been one full year.

Well, it's been almost exactly one full year since I posted. I MUST GET BETTER. Updates are extreme. 

1. I found that perfect apartment only to leave it after 5 months. (will get to why in a second)

2. Met an amazing guy 3 weeks after my original post, and have been dating him long distance since.

3. Buckled down in that amazing apartment and started studying for the GMAT. Business school was always a dream, and now that I had free time I was going to commit myself to getting there.

4. Applied to UCLA and Berkeley, didn't even get a call back from Berkeley, but got accepted and I am attending UCLA Anderson.

5. Quit my great paying job, and I am moving to Santa Monica...prior to school starting I will be getting my Yoga teaching certification.
Listing out these changes in such a brief manner does not do the last year of my life justice.  So I will give attention to each item in it's own individual post.The past year has been transformative, overwhelming, stressful, and exciting. My advice to anyone who is just going through the motions of life is to take a step back and to think about what you want out of your life. The only person who is going change your life is you.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

To New Beginnings

I've been saying I wanted to start a blog for a few years now. I've just always been hesitant because I find it incredible narcissistic to think that their were a lot of people out there that wanted to hear my thoughts. But you will, trust me.

My life was much more exciting/hysterical/embarrasing before I moved to Atlanta and settled in with my boyfriend and dogs (think Tucker Max but less offensive and I never shit my pants) but once I settled into stability I decided to put the Kabosh on the whole thing.

Well here I am now, two years later, single again, sitting at work and scowering the internet for a new place to live. Which has proven far more difficult than I had imagined due to the high standard of living I've been accustomed to.

Criteria: Hard wood floors, pet friendly (note the two cavalier king charles I will accrue in the "divorce"), New Appliances, a second bedroom for the home gym and treadmill I purchased last year, and granite countertops in my kitchen because anything else just isnt me.

I think what normal adults would do in a situation like this is draft up a spreadsheet with all of their potential outgoing payments, and compare it against their monthly income, and then determine what is left to spend on living expenses and partying. However, I am choosing to deliberately forgo the spreadsheet option as I figure what other way to head into single life than being irresponsible and just hoping I can figure out a way to make the payments. And if all goes to shit, we know I can just get a job at the Pink Pony.

As my Thursday wraps up and my weekend should be beginning (I'm off to New York), I'm no closer to finding a suitable apartment, I'm late to the airport and if it hasnt been a tough enough week I havent been upgraded to first class. Doesnt look like the free booze in first class is going to start my weekend off right.